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Writer's pictureMaria Clara Alves

Exorcizing Management. How to cast out our demons?

Exorcism is an act of swearing, casting out demons through a ritual.

In Management, every day is a ritual, like an exorcism, it is an action consisting of words and gestures, attitudes to expel problems, demons, and find solutions. The metaphor fits perfectly. Crisis arises at any time. We must be prepared. That needs resilience. Not easy, but not impossible.

There is no point in deluding yourself with the fact that external entities are still in mourning for an administration that was absolutely following its dictates and with which they were largely at ease.

Today everything is different, given the demands of the market, the evolution of technology and the adaptation to changes. As an excellent professional and manager, you should recognize that we will never be 100% prepared for change.

We often make negative value judgments and this absorbs our ability and creativity, becoming a block. It is difficult to manage people and companies if our spirit allows itself to be manipulated by these feelings of insecurity. Excessive security is also a hoax.

There are no "unicorns".

According to Wikipedia and Mythology, "The unicorn, through its intemperance and inability to dominate itself, and due to the delight that the maidens provide it, forgets its ferocity and savagery. It puts aside mistrust, approaches the sitting maiden and falls asleep in your lap. That way hunters can hunt you down. "

The ability to reconcile commitments with meeting needs is a major requirement for any self-respecting human being.

That is why an agenda is fundamental. It must be bold and ambitious, courageous, measurable, realistic and temporal (SMART). Preparation, up-to-date training, humility, courage and a lot of emotional intelligence are essential. That is why a Manager should never give up on continuing to learn and get involved with teams that add something positive to their work. Nobody is good at everything. A brilliant manager is, for me, the one who also has the best team and chooses the best. Fighting the wind is exhausting. There are no excuses for not recognizing our weaknesses. With this humility, we can thus cast out demons and threats to our common sense. Please, exercise your brain every day.

The success of our work depends a lot on these factors. It is an almost exorcist ritual that we have to get used to piously and with some frequency.

Like religion, It is like a search for God every day.

Does it look like a utopia? No, because rituals exist to exorcise and expel our problems. With rigor, perseverance, resilience, it is possible to reach the satisfactory point.

However, man will never be satisfied and will always want more, but this, in my view, is not a defect. It is part of our nature and thankfully we are like that. If we weren't like that, we were obsolete and it wouldn't make sense.

Management must be a passion and our personality must be shaped in this direction.

It is for this reason that I advise management therapies in this sense, training, experiences.

Knowing how to deal with pressure, direct and indirect at work.

I hope soon I publish my new book on this, but it will take some time. It's still "being cooked".

Dopamine is a good neurotransmitter that not all neurons in our brain produce, and that sometimes lead to degenerative diseases like parkinson's, as neurons stop producing that substance. It controls our mental and emotional responses. It is considered the "happy hormone". It is advisable to eat food rich in Omega3, like cheese, milk, natural yogurts, eggs, salmon, fruits and vegetables such as bananas and avocados, almonds and hazelnuts, walnuts, dark chocolate, but always without exaggeration. In the same way the lack of serotonin, reduces our memory capacity and is one of the causes of our bad mood or lack of it.

These two substances are important for our mental and spiritual, emotional health. The balance between these two substances is essential for managing our emotions and being prepared for change. Exercise is also very important.

The external climate (macro-economic environment) is changeable and consequently the internal (of companies – micro-economic). We cannot escape this phenomenon. It is the Law of Life-Movement!

If we have this awareness, we will easily be “the helmsman of the ship”, we will be inspiring, we'll be able to attract investment and good healthy mentally people, create a pleasant climate in companies, in the direction of its perpetuity. That's all that matters. Not really us. We can make a difference. 

We are still the most intelligent being on earth.

Today we can be a management guru, but if we do not guarantee the continuity of healthy and sustainable companies, from one moment to the next, we are "cannon fodder" and we pass from beauty to beast in a matter of minutes. Everything we did good, seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Proving concrete evidence of our ability every day is hard and we can be taken hostage by hostilities very quickly.

Daily ritual, faith and exorcism are required!

There is no credibility without conscience and humility! Neither in management nor in any profession.

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