How many Innovations do we need to avoid the wrongs of Recruitment?
In a recruitment situation, more precisely in a job interview, regardless of your knowledge and skills, you are expected to present yourself in a sober way, with a positive attitude, a clean and cared appearance, appropriate to the job in question and with a contextualized speech. I will not say that it is wrong, but there are more and more cases where exactly the opposite happens and, if there is sensitivity and attention to details on the part of the recruiter, it can even work well and we are faced with a successful and fruitful recruitment.
I'm not talking about resumes/curricula. Perhaps, today the CV is in second place when it comes to hiring someone.
We don't always need to behave this way. We can be different and even be a little out of context. This is the case with the example of recruitment in the film “The Devil wears Prada”.
The character Miranda (the actress Meryl Streep), recognized as a legend in the world of fashion writing and editing, a powerful persona who has risen to the pulse and very influential, wants to recruit someone to advise her. We are facing a kind of tough, cold, sparse, and sometimes very cruel leadership. However, Miranda, basically, just wants someone who is competent and capable, who does not talk much, who is recruited not to think but to act quickly, effectively and efficiently, therefore competent and with total confidence, with solutions.
However, she humiliates employees in general, because they show fear and this overshadows their competence and shows servile behavior, nothing original, much less competent in the sense expected within the company.
Employees show weakness, dread and tremble every time Miranda is arriving, but respect her, given her social status.
Andrea Sachs (the actress Anne Hathaway), runs for the position of advisor to Miranda. This character apparently has nothing to do with the intended behavior, much less with the desired appearance of the fashion world. She dresses too classically and, according to the sector, is out of fashion. Andrea is full of personality, does not reveal fear, although initially she is a little insecure, because she never worked in the fashion world.
It is an interesting story that has an original ending and that here reveals exactly the type of unexpected behavior in recruitment. Apparently, it seems that Andrea has nothing to do with the role, but here what is at stake is her skills for the job. She reveals efficacy and security, personality right from the start and that leads Miranda to give her the job, because she is a challenge candidate. Miranda is strong and knows what she is looking for. But it maintains its superiority until later revealing some weaknesses in intimacy (because there is always a reason for certain attitudes and behaviors).
Then everything goes on in the film in terms of expectations on the part of Miranda and Andrea, ending up with Andrea deciding that she doesn't want to work with Miranda anymore, despite her admiring and wanting her to stay. Andrea wants much more and knows that she is capable, that she also has a path to follow to achieve her goals. Miranda, despite being upset that Andrea ended her collaboration, reveals admiration and knows (sit between the lines) that Andrea will win, just as she did. The difference is that maybe Andrea wants to go up in a different way and not like Miranda, but that is another story.
To understand what I'm talking about, I recommend viewing the film.
But going back to the problem, nowadays, is recruitment still like that, in many cases?
Recruitment is increasingly innovative. We know that in the early future and already in some sectors, recruitment is done entirely virtual. It has advantages and disadvantages, precisely because of the theme at the beginning of this article - behavior and skills.
On the one hand, it virtually seems easier for us to make an application, which can create a wonderful story and path from our profile. It will be more fair, because in a certain way the candidates are at the same level of position, therefore, there will be no premature judgments of appearance and behavior, because we are based on presentation documents or videos, which can be well prepared and tested before being sent to the recruiter.
But on the other hand, the human side can fail. Let’s imagine that, however good my presentation is, that it’s even faithful to my persona, when I’m in a face-to-face interview, it goes wrong, the recruiter doesn’t welcome me as I expected, or I don’t live up to expectations, etc.?
How to solve this problem in the recruitment of the future, where Artificial Intelligence(A.I.) tries to solve the recruitment problems of companies, since this is expensive and requires a lot of time. The time factor is increasingly reduced in these cases. Company managers no longer have the patience or time to do so.
This is the challenge and the key to innovation for recruiting in the future. Will A.I., (ever more intelligent), be able to do it, without the need for classic eye contact to decide who will work with companies?
There are those who believe so. In some cases, A.I. may be able to find the right profile for a given function, but it is still far from discerning the field of emotions.
This can pose a problem and pose the following question: - what will be the profile of the job seeker 10 years from now?
All in the defense of perfectionism.
Inevitably, A.I. is also changing human behavior, both recruiters and candidates.