Why continue to study and what is the future of Education, if today a Diploma isn't the most import?
The 21st century slavery / A escravatura do séc. XXI
Green and Digital – our new Era – “The Great Reset”
A.I.- Artificial Intelligence, Digital and Robotics - the Confort at the cost of Privacy?
#Covid19 & - How did Japan manage to rebuild the country economically after World War II?
The 6 I’s theory of the Internet Marketing-Mix – Innovation level and its applications
The Empowerment of Women in the African Labor Market.
12th Rule of 12. Don’t you dare not to fight for your dreams. No excuses. Add Value to Yourself.
11th rule of 12 - Please, if you want to survive, think digitally!
Quarantine Poems - Poemas da Quarentena - Poèmes de la Quarantaine - Poemas de Cuarentena
10th rule of 12 - Never confuse work with a Job. Which companies will survive in the XXII century?
9th Rule of 12- The Crass Error Formula: Effort + Exacerbated Strength = Less resistance
8th Rule of 12. The Biggest Challenges for Making Money on the Internet.
7th Rule of 12 - Never bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Read Failures, not Success.
Self-awareness! Tell the truth. 6th rule of 12
How to profit from the 2020 crisis? Important things we should know. 5th Rule of 12.
How to save money faster? 4th rule of 12. Six easy things that can save your budget every month.
3rd rule of 12. How can you think about Wealth if you don't know how to get rid of Debt?
Digital Schools - Digital Management and Monitoring Leadership of the Future.
2nd Rule of 12. The “hamster” Effect.
How to apply the Pareto Principle to your activity?
How to apply the Porter Value Chain scheme in a company?